The art of knowing what we do not have to know

At first I would like to say that I barrow the title from Gred Gigerenzer. He told that statement in the context of making better decision with less information.

During last days I was thinking about everything I have read, everything I have heard and everything I have doing and learning and listening. In my and others mind there is lots of information that we don’t need them. And day by day we extend our knowing with further information. At the age of information and technology we should more careful about what we are tending to know.

Maybe some subjects are funny; maybe watching some video can make us happy. Maybe some books can make us amused. But we should think about lack of time and other resources in our life. Of course I don’t deny that we need hobby, we need time to rest. But surrounding ourselves with lots of needless information is not the hobby or rest. Because the nature of our mind is processing and entering information on it lead to more and more process and mind fatigue.

Clearly I wrote above sentences for recalling myself to try learning the art of knowing what we do not have to know.

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